64 research outputs found

    Estiloak eta estrategiak hizkuntzen ikaskuntzan eta irakaskuntzan: diagnostikoa eta proposamena

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    [EUS] Azken urteotako hamaika ikerketak adierazi duenez, norberaren ikas-estiloak eta erabiltzen diren ikas-estrategiek zeresan handia dute hizkuntzen ikaskuntza prozesuan. Hainbat autorek ikas-estiloak nahiz ikas-estrategiak definitu eta sailkatu egin ditu. Era berean, beroriek irakasteko metodoak eta ikasle ona ere aztergai izan dira. Gurera etorrita, atzeman daiteke Europako Erreferentzi Marko Bateratuak eta euskal curriculumak ikas-estrategiak beren baitan hartzen dituztela. Arestian aipatutako guztia kontuan izanik, lan honetan ikasle-talde baten ikas-estiloak eta ikas-estrategiak aztertu dira eta ondorioztatu egin da ikasleek jolastuz eta ikus-entzunezko baliabideak erabiliz ikastea atsegin dutela. Azkenean, hizkuntza-gaitasuna hobetzeko jolasak biltzen dituen webgunea sortu da eta, tartean, ikus-entzunezko baliabideak txertatu dira.[ES] Tal y como señalan recientes investigaciones, el estilo de aprendizaje de uno/a mismo/a, así como las estrategias de aprendizaje que se emplean, juegan un papel transcendental en el proceso de aprendizaje de un idioma. Diversos autores han definido y clasificado los estilos y las estrategias de aprendizaje. Asimismo, también se han desarrollado propuestas metodológicas para la enseñanza de los mismos o se ha investigado acerca de el/la buen/a estudiante. A nivel local, cabe destacar que el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia y el currículum educativo vasco también tratan las estrategias de aprendizaje. Por todo lo anterior, en este trabajo se han analizado los estilos y las estrategias de aprendizaje de un grupo de alumnos/as, llegando a la conclusión de que al alumnado le gusta aprender jugando y mediante recursos audiovisuales. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado una página web con juegos para mejorar la capacidad lingüística y se han incluido en ella diversos recursos audiovisuales.[EN] According to many recent researches, each one’s learning style, as well as the learning strategies employed, play a key role on the process of learning a new language. These learning styles and strategies have been defined and classified by several authors. Moreover, different methods aimed at developing them both, altogether with the figure of the good language learner, have been closely examined. On a local level, both the European Common Reference Framework and the Basque educative curriculum focus on learning strategies. Based on what has been exposed, the learning styles and strategies of a group of students have been analysed in this project, reaching the conclusion that students prefer to learn through games and audio-visual resources. Finally, a website containing language skill reinforcing games has been developed

    Del escudo al Guggenheim Bilbao y su metamorfosis icónica: 1300-2000

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    La iconografía de Bilbao es suma de un conjunto de imágenes construidas por distintos autores. Cada uno de ellos ha hecho su aportación creadora combinando imaginación (ficción) y realidad. Sus miradas han idealizado los escenarios que desfilaban ante sus ojos. Las perspectivas elegidas han acrecentado la belleza. En este artículo nos encontramos lo que su criterio ha considerado más emblemático, es decir, lo que distingue Bilbao de otras ciudades

    El Látigo, un periódico libertario

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    El Latigo fue el resultado del fracaso de una movilización obrera radical que se vio desprovista de órganos propagandísticos afines que apoyase sus reivindicaciones. Ante esta carencia y los ataques de lo que denominaban ¿la prensa de comercio político¿, donde incluían también la del Partido Socialista, surgió esta iniciativa libertaria.Periódico de la ¿Federación de grupos libertarios de la región vascongada¿ tuvo una vida efímera pero muy intensa. Se dirigió a la clase obrera más desamparada. Fue pionero en la defensa de la mujer trabajadora. Acosado por las instancias de poder, por sus enemigos políticos y acuciado por problemas económicos se publicó durantes tres escasos años, entre 1911 y 1914. A través de sus páginas se pueden encontrar evidencias muy significativas que transportan a las raíces del periodismo político en España

    Estiloak eta estrategiak hizkuntzen ikaskuntzan eta irakaskuntzan: diagnostikoa eta proposamena

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    [EUS] Azken urteotako hamaika ikerketak adierazi duenez, norberaren ikas-estiloak eta erabiltzen diren ikas-estrategiek zeresan handia dute hizkuntzen ikaskuntza prozesuan. Hainbat autorek ikas-estiloak nahiz ikas-estrategiak definitu eta sailkatu egin ditu. Era berean, beroriek irakasteko metodoak eta ikasle ona ere aztergai izan dira. Gurera etorrita, atzeman daiteke Europako Erreferentzi Marko Bateratuak eta euskal curriculumak ikas-estrategiak beren baitan hartzen dituztela. Arestian aipatutako guztia kontuan izanik, lan honetan ikasle-talde baten ikas-estiloak eta ikas-estrategiak aztertu dira eta ondorioztatu egin da ikasleek jolastuz eta ikus-entzunezko baliabideak erabiliz ikastea atsegin dutela. Azkenean, hizkuntza-gaitasuna hobetzeko jolasak biltzen dituen webgunea sortu da eta, tartean, ikus-entzunezko baliabideak txertatu dira.[ES] Tal y como señalan recientes investigaciones, el estilo de aprendizaje de uno/a mismo/a, así como las estrategias de aprendizaje que se emplean, juegan un papel transcendental en el proceso de aprendizaje de un idioma. Diversos autores han definido y clasificado los estilos y las estrategias de aprendizaje. Asimismo, también se han desarrollado propuestas metodológicas para la enseñanza de los mismos o se ha investigado acerca de el/la buen/a estudiante. A nivel local, cabe destacar que el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia y el currículum educativo vasco también tratan las estrategias de aprendizaje. Por todo lo anterior, en este trabajo se han analizado los estilos y las estrategias de aprendizaje de un grupo de alumnos/as, llegando a la conclusión de que al alumnado le gusta aprender jugando y mediante recursos audiovisuales. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado una página web con juegos para mejorar la capacidad lingüística y se han incluido en ella diversos recursos audiovisuales.[EN] According to many recent researches, each one’s learning style, as well as the learning strategies employed, play a key role on the process of learning a new language. These learning styles and strategies have been defined and classified by several authors. Moreover, different methods aimed at developing them both, altogether with the figure of the good language learner, have been closely examined. On a local level, both the European Common Reference Framework and the Basque educative curriculum focus on learning strategies. Based on what has been exposed, the learning styles and strategies of a group of students have been analysed in this project, reaching the conclusion that students prefer to learn through games and audio-visual resources. Finally, a website containing language skill reinforcing games has been developed

    Inspection scheduling based onreliability updating of gas turbinewelded structures

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    This article presents a novel methodology for the inspection scheduling of gas turbine welded structures, based on reliability calculations and overhaul findings. The model was based on a probabilistic crack propagation analysis for welds in a plate and considered the uncertainty in material properties, defect inspection capabilities, weld geometry, and loads. It developed a specific stress intensity factor and an improved first-order reliability method. The proposed routine alleviated the computational cost of stochastic crack propagation analysis, with accuracy. It is useful to achieve an effective design for manufacturing, to develop structural health monitoring applications, and to adapt inspection schedules to airplane fleet experience.We are grateful to the Mechanical Technology Department of ITPAero (R) for supporting and helping us with this study. The invaluable guidance and feedback from Jose Ramon Andujar is recognized with great appreciation

    Systematic network coding with overlap for IoT scenarios

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    The presence of IoT in current networking scenarios is more relevant every day. IoT covers a wide range of applications, ranging from wearable devices to vehicular communications. With the consolidation of Industry 4.0, IIoT (Industrial IoT) environments are becoming more common. Communications in these scenarios are mostly wireless, and due to the lossy nature of wireless communications, the loss of information becomes an intrinsic problem. However, loss recovery schemes increase the delay that characterizes any communication. On the other hand, both reliability (robustness) and low delay are crucial requirements for some applications in IIoT. An interesting strategy to improve both of them is the use of Network Coding techniques, which have shown promising results, in terms of increasing reliability and performance. This work focuses on a possible new coding approach, based on systematic network coding scheme with overlapping generations. We perform a thorough analysis of its behavior. Based on the results, we draw out a number of conclusions for practical implementations in wireless networks, focusing our interest in IIoT environments.The authors are grateful for the funding of the Industrial Doctorates Program from the University of Cantabria (Call 2018). This work has been partially supported by the Basque Government through the Elkartek program under the DIGITAL project (Grant agreement no. KK-2019/00095), as well as by the Spanish Government (MINECO, MCIU, AEI, FEDER) by means of the projects ADVICE: Dynamic provisioning of connectivity in high density 5G wireless scenarios (TEC2015-71329-C2-1-R) and FIERCE: Future Internet Enabled Resilient Cities (RTI2018-093475-A-100)

    Network Coding-Based Next-Generation IoT for Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0 has become the main source of applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is generating new business opportunities. The use of cloud computing and artificial intelligence is also showing remarkable improvements in industrial operation, saving millions of dollars to manufacturers. The need for time-critical decision-making is evidencing a trade-off between latency and computation, urging Industrial IoT (IIoT) deployments to integrate fog nodes to perform early analytics. In this chapter, we review next-generation IIoT architectures, which aim to meet the requirements of industrial applications, such as low-latency and highly reliable communications. These architectures can be divided into IoT node, fog, and multicloud layers. We describe these three layers and compare their characteristics, providing also different use-cases of IIoT architectures. We introduce network coding (NC) as a solution to meet some of the requirements of next-generation communications. We review a variety of its approaches as well as different scenarios that improve their performance and reliability thanks to this technique. Then, we describe the communication process across the different levels of the architecture based on NC-based state-of-the-art works. Finally, we summarize the benefits and open challenges of combining IIoT architectures together with NC techniques

    On the combination of multi-cloud and network coding for cost-efficient storage in industrial applications

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    The adoption of both Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) has enabled the evolution towards the so-called Industry 4.0. These technologies, together with cloud computing and artificial intelligence, foster new business opportunities. Besides, several industrial applications need immediate decision making and fog computing is emerging as a promising solution to address such requirement. In order to achieve a cost-efficient system, we propose taking advantage from spot instances, a new service offered by cloud providers, which provide resources at lower prices. The main downside of these instances is that they do not ensure service continuity and they might suffer from interruptions. An architecture that combines fog and multi-cloud deployments along with Network Coding (NC) techniques, guarantees the needed fault-tolerance for the cloud environment, and also reduces the required amount of redundant data to provide reliable services. In this paper we analyze how NC can actually help to reduce the storage cost and improve the resource efficiency for industrial applications, based on a multi-cloud infrastructure. The cost analysis has been carried out using both real AWS EC2 spot instance prices and, to complement them, prices obtained from a model based on a finite Markov chain, derived from real measurements. We have analyzed the overall system cost, depending on different parameters, showing that configurations that seek to minimize the storage yield a higher cost reduction, due to the strong impact of storage cost.This work has been partially supported by the Basque Government through the Elkartek program (Grant agreement no. KK-2018/00115), the H2020 research framework of the European Commission under the ELASTIC project (Grant agreement no. 825473), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the CARMEN project (TEC2016-75067-C4-3-R), the ADVICE project (TEC2015-71329-C2-1-R), and the COMONSENS network (TEC2015-69648-REDC)

    Fatigue performance of prosthetic screws used in dental implant restorations: Rolled versus cut threads

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    Statement of problem. Cold rolling is widely used for screw thread manufacturing in industry but is less common in implant dentistry, where cutting is the preferred manufacturing method. Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the surface finish and mechanical performance of a specific model of prosthetic screw used for direct restorations manufactured by thread rolling and cutting. Material and methods. The thread profiles were measured in an optical measuring machine, the residual stresses in an X-ray diffractometer, the surface finish in a scanning electron microscope, and then fatigue and static load tests were carried out in a direct stress test bench according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14801. Finally, linear regression models and 95% interval confidence bands were calculated and compared through ANCOVA for fatigue tests while the t test was used for statistical comparisons (a=.05). Results. The surface finish was smoother, and compressive residual stresses were higher for the roll threaded screws. Linear regression models showed a fatigue life 9 times higher for roll-threaded screws (P=1) without affecting static behavior, which showed statistically similar static strengths (P=.54). However, the thread profile in the roll-threaded screws was not accurately reproduced, but this should be easily corrected in future prototypes. Conclusions. Rolling was demonstrated to be a better thread-manufacturing process for prosthetic screws, producing improved surface quality and fatigue behavior